Local: (804) 828-9123 Toll-free: (800) 222-1222

Materials order form

The Virginia Poison Center offers peel-and-stick labels, magnets and pamphlets that feature our toll-free number. Free materials are available in modest qualities to individuals and groups.


Display both the toll-free number and the local Richmond number.

Magnets - Spanish Version

Display both the toll-free number and the local Richmond number.

Poison help pamphlet

Full color pamphlet explains role of your poison center, basic first aid and poison prevention tips.


Displays the toll-free number.

Activity Books

Kid friendly activity book providing poison awareness information.

Brochure: medicine storage

This brochure includes information about putting medicine away and out of sight.

11x17 Poster: candy vs. medicine

This poster includes a diagram with details about candy vs. medicine.

11x17 Poster: Gummy Look-a-Like Poster

This poster focuses on the dangers of children unintentially confusing gummys and vitamins.

11x17 Poster: Identifying Poisons Poster

This poster focuses on being able to identify household items versus poisons.

11x17 Poster: Poison Purse Poster

This poster focuses on safe storage of bags and purses.

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